Rotary Club of Calcutta Mahanagar - Rotary India


Total Services 16
1386th RWM

Introdution of upcoming board members

1st Club assembly

The first club assembly of the rotary year was highly successful. I. . .

1384th RWM Heartfelt Chrismas Carnival

Christmas Celebration with Joy and Care with visually impaired chil. . .

1383th RWM with Dr. Shruti Nada Poddar

Dr. Shruti Nada Poddar, the guest speaker, led an engaging session . . .

1382th RWM with Mahesh Bhatt

The presence of Mahesh Bhatt, combined with the energy of Rotary Ca. . .

1381th RWM At Alipore Jail Meuseum - Smita Chakra

We had an insightful RWM at The Coffee House of the Alipore Jail Mu. . .

Diwali Meet

Scintillating Diwali Members enthusiasm and participation truly ma. . .

1380th Shakti Samman - Empowering Girls

Rotary Club of Calcutta Mahanagar, RID 3291, honored nine women ach. . .

1379th RWM - Life without Medicine

This RWM wasnt just about club business, we always try to spice th. . .

1378th RWM

We are pleased to announce the launch of the "Drishti - III" projec. . .

1st Board Meeting

*Minutes of the Board Meeting* *Date:* 25th August 2024 *Time. . .

Lehra do

Independence day celebration

1377th RWM

*Minutes of Meeting* Rotary Weekly Meeting (RWM) *Date:* 09/0. . .

1376th RWM & Friendship Day Celebration

Minutes of the 1376th Regular Weekly Meeting of Rotary Club of Calc. . .

1375th RWM

Minutes of the 1375th Regular Weekly Meeting of Rotary Club of Calc. . .

34th Installation Ceremony

34th Installation Ceremony was held at Hotel Taj Bengal. Bidi Rajas. . .